MEDIA KRYTYKA № 18, 2011
Halyna Bezukh
Hyperlocal News
One of the latest buzz-words of media industry is “hyperlocal news”. How do they differ from “local new”? What are their aims and perspectives? These are the questions examined in the article.
Nataliya Gabor
Theory and Practice of Ukrainian TV Channels According to McCombs and some more…
In 2007 McCombs’ book Setting the Agenda: The Mass Media and Public Opinion was translated into Ukrainian. It is an extremely interesting combination of theory and practice, which has proved to be as relevant today as it was when the book was written.
Daryna Miroshnychenko
Conscious Media and Curing Historical Memory of Kholodnyi Yar
This is the title of the international summer school organized in August by ECCM (Earth Citizens for Conscious Media) in Kholodnyi Yar, Chyhyryn region, Cherkassy oblast.
Yuliana Lavrysh
Information “Island” of the Arabian World: Al-Jazeera Yesterday and Today
Al-Jazira was established as a channel that provides balanced, independent opinions and unbiased information. The events of 9/11 made it famous worldwide. As a part of global information wars it spawns a lot of debate and discussions.
Maria Tytarenko
American New Journalism: Terra In/cognita
New journalism is an in-between concept that combines features of fiction and journalism, which makes it complicated for scholars to find an optimal definition as well as methodology of its research.
Khrystyna Bondarieva
Journalism According to Portnykov
Vitaliy Portnykov is one of those professionals who set standards in journalism due to his universality, individual style and commitment. Recently he has taken part in discussions and master-classes conducted by Ukrainian Catholic University.
Lana Chorna, Anna Roz
Golden Rose: Forgery and Silence
The authors investigate the media scandal initiated by Tom Gross (Goodbye, Golden Rose, The Guardian, September 2, 2011).
Yuliya Bondarenko
Media Psychological Problems of Modern Periodicals for Children
The today’s market of periodicals for children is saturated and even oversaturated. However, most publications are very uniform, have similar structures, tasks and competitions.
Maryan Zhytariuk
Television as a Springboard for Selective Communication Technology
There are a lot of communication technologies (such as propaganda, advertising, PR, performance, religions technology, etc). Most of them are examined, analyzed and honed. However, there is a variety that hasn’t been given much attention, despite being widely and successfully applied, i.e. selective communication technology.
MEDIA KRYTYKA № 17, 2010
Oksana Hocur
The Strategic Orientation of Ukraine toward Europe or Russia: ( міфотворчий?) aspect of the problem
On the basis of newspaper publications’ analysis an attempt to separate real foreign policy orientation from myths about it is made.
Lesya Kuruc
The National-Conscious Fruit with National Identity
Everyone defines European identity differently: for someone it is the high level of life, architecture, clean streets in big and small cities, even a smell of coffee in the streets. For others it is freedom and responsibility, readiness to do everything so that someday while sitting and drinking coffee at one of the squares of any Ukrainian city we would be able to say without any hesitation: “I am in Ukraine. So I am in Europe”.
Oksana Kosyuk
Westernization of Ukraine
Instead of Europe’s leading role in the world cultural process «Eurasian Renascence» should come in which Ukraine will play a more significant role.
Pavlo Aleksandrov
Motives of Fear of Loss of European Identity in Internet Mass-Media
The fear of loss of European identity is the ground for different texts with motives of traditional for post-Maidan Ukraine confrontation between East and West which mostly provokes such emotions as anxiety, detestation, enmity.
Levko Steck
Not Washing but Rinsing
The first show for men “Pomylaanderson” cannot be called anything else but brainwashing. And if originality still shows through here and there the presence of intellectuality in the new project on ICTV arouses serious doubts.
Ivanna Lavryk
Do You Love Ukraine?
Subjective reflections on the show «I love Ukraine» in the contexts of identities.
Borys Potyatynyk
Still Romantic West?
Not only cult of people’s feelings but also the spirit of tragedy and mysticism is inherent to romanticism. All this poured out in series of publications after April crash of Polish president’s airplane near Smolensk.
Inna Penchuk
Age Peculiarities of Children’s TV-programs’ Perception: European Experience
Television contributes to the creation of vision of reality in child’s mind, style and behaviour type formation, outlook shaping. Therefore, it is vital to take into consideration the impact of television on creation of children’s ethics, moral principles and other virtues.
Solomiya Onufriv
Marathon, Hyena and…
Or how Europe was perceived by Ukrainian journalists in Shehyn`, Jeshuv and polish editorships….
Lilya Shutiak
The Crossroads of Identities in Media Metatext
Reflections on the problems of defining European identity in Ukrainian literature.
Oleksiy Bessarabov
Eurointegration in the Crimea News Pages: How Does It Look like?
The problem of European integration is not alien to the Crimea, where the vector of Eastern civilization values dominates the Western one.
Svitlana Bezchotnikova
Mariupol` on the Eurointagration Map of Ukraine: Media Approach
The imperfection of our life consists in ourselves, in the lack of power of apprehension and in the incapacity to solve the problems in the European way according to norms of law and humane values.
Kateryna Konnopliannykova
Made in EU – Loss or Search of Identity?
First of all these are the events that caused “hot” discussions in mass media: moving the monument to Lenin, construction works on the burial place of victims of Stalin regime repressions, changing street names, opening of the monument to Catherine II
Serhiy Blavatskyi
Quality Public Press – the Alternative to the Media tabloidization(?)
About foreign experience and alternatives to tabloidization of the informational sphere of Ukraine.
Yuliana Lavrysh
Europeanness of Ukraine as it is Seen by the Web-Sites of Lviv News Agencies.
Though foreign mass media write about us, the fact that this information often has negative connotation is still unpleasant.
Lesia Kuruts
Features of National Eurointegration: World and Ukrainian Media Coverage
The president is trying to get European`s to trust him. At the same time everybody observes the events which turn Ukraine back into the sphere of Russian influence considerably faster than it was expected.
MEDIA KRYTYKA № 16, 2009
Yulia Golodnikova
Paradoxes of Ukrainian mediacriticizm
In place of preface
Problems of media surviving
Borys Potyatynyk
Crisis compass of the Ukrainian media: how to keep afloat?
New beginnings will develop in the Internet. Thrift, adaptability of internet-resources allow them to advance much better than other branches of the mass media
Valentyna Samar
Is it a scandal or a publicity work?
“Law on information” proposes journalists a set of tools for work. Do they know how to use it?
Roman Golovenko
“In the country of total right nihilism journalists’ knowledge of their rights is just satisfactory”
Oksana Kosyuk
A confrontation between the third and the fourth powers: interpretation of the problem
While in other countries the one who was accused by mass media proves their innocence, in our country as a rule mass media are forced to prove their own rightness
Ihor Paslavskyi
Supremacy of lawlessness is established by the mass media considerably more frequently, than the power of the Law
Kateryna Krutous
Advertising yesterday and tomorrow – comparative discourse
Inconsolable forecast for advertising market: the volume of low-grade and insidious advertisement is increasing
Ethics and psychology of mass media
Pavlo Aleksandrov
Social fears in the light of media
For the moment there is no law in Ukraine, which provides mass media’s responsibility for putting fears into society
Zenoviy Partyko
“There… journalist is stupid, proofreader is blind…”
Once a year Ukrainian Union of journalists has to announce the results of the contest for the most flagrant violation of the moral norms in mass media
Myroslava Chabanenko
Is it possible to make order in the Internet? It is well worth to wish!
Information freedom is one of the main values of the Internet and it doesn’t need to be destroyed
Iryna Brunova-Kalisetska
Modish and not modish texts of Ukrainian journalism
Every region has own machinery and own arguments, which can influence people. The task of an expert is to understand the way it works on the level of state policy and to explain it to other people.
From the past
Stanyslav Dnistryansky
Our magazines on law
Deliberation of own experience of editing texts for law magazines and also consideration of the leading role of Ukrainian law intelligentsia in forming national and cultural trends of the nation
Marta Dychok
An outline of Crimean media landscape
There are 15 city TV-companies. Do they do any good to Crimea? Do they represent all the diversity of views? Do they promote unity and tolerance?
Myroslava Ivanyk
Modern media Crimea
In Ukraine in general, and in Crimea in particular, the information environment of our country and of the peninsula are widely discussed. What kind of environment is it? Who does it stand for? What kind of reader does it form? What do Crimean newspapers write about and who are they targeted at?
Liliya Budzhurova
A ill-considered journalist’s word can cause severe results
Yuliya Holodnikova
From “virtual struggle” journalism closer to the audience
Even a shallow review of Crimean media environment shows that local journalists exploit a set of “scenarios” of how they should write about inter-ethnical relations.
Natalka Chyzh
Truths and lies about Crimea or how mass media form stereotypes
Natalka Chyzh
The Ukrainian newspaper in Crimea: an object for repressions or a source of stereotypes?
What is the main reason for the decline of the only Crimean Ukrainian language newspaper Krymska Svitlytsya. Is it because of the little used language and unpopular ideas, as the editor claims, or because of radical views and inability to correctly estimate and mediate the Crimean life?
Victor Katchula
We have lost the information environment of Crimea according to the editor-in-chief of Krymska Svitlytsya
Yuriy Vaskivskyi
On my Crimean internship
The positions of editor assistant, secretary, heads of politics, culture, economics and sports departments are vacant… Why?
Yuliya Daleka
What is more important: who the reader is or what is written?
I am positive that people are ready to read Ukrainian texts in Crimea and Russian texts in Lviv on the condition that they are really interesting for the audience.
Iryna Prokopyuk
I am a publisher. I make the newspaper to make money.
The editor-in-chief of the newspaper Kafa elaborates on the model of a successful regional newspaper
How costly legal illiteracy of the journalist can turn out to be?
Interview with experienced lawyer, director of the law department of IREX ProMEDIA in Crimea Nariman Abdureshytov
Olha Zhuk
Crimean Tatars culture
Music defines who Crimea will belong to?
Halyna Bohdanovych
Journalists must learn to set the limits of freedom of expression and behavior in mass media
Iryna Kovalenko
Crimean students in Lviv: overcoming stereotypes
Crimean journalism students came to Lviv. They are interviewed concerning their impressions of the city and internship in Lviv media
Maria Orekhova
Crimea as presented in Lviv newspapers
There are still a number of stereotypes about Crimea
Kateryna Plokhova
Image of the reader of Lvivska Gazeta
The paper respects its audience and readers identify themselves with it. What is the secret of this mutual admiration?
Victoria Orel
Reports in Lviv papers: a new dimension?
Folklore, language and culture life is continued in Lviv papers’reports
Iryna Kovalyova
This time I decided to find out
Not only is press a collective informer, but… an entertainer too. The two functions seem to be easy to combine, especially when judging by Vladyslav Yakushev’s publications.
Yuriy Danylyshyn
Changes of Lviv media market. Of what kind and for what reasons?
Disappearance of some Lviv newspapers was not understandable for most readers, in particular since the subscription payments were not given back.
Vita Yakovleva
Soviet history on radio Melodia
When you are driving a car, washing plates and dishes, standing in line… pay attention to what you are listening to. Watch out – radio!
Ihor Paslavskyi
Students’ internship: components of success
Some advice on how to make your internship effective
Language Policy
Stanislaw Shumlyanskyi
Language Protectionism: Mission Impossible?
Let’s get ready for another act of the play where some will assume the role of “bilingualism defenders” and others that of “the national language defenders”. Both the former and the latter, though, are equally interested in the language problem being unsolved.
Halyna Pahutyak
Information is not Enough to Conquer the World – You’ve Got to Have a Language
The Ukrainian language, unfortunately, is often perceived as a cheap prostitute that must concede to everything and be grateful for the interest shown in it.
Iryna Farion
Language as a Means of the World Distortion
The liberal and democratic ideology of the present government, similarly to the former antinational Kuchma’s regime, is still distorting the Ukrainian reality by means of marked Ukrainian words and by treasonous toleration of the invader’s language.
Zoya Hayuk
Too Much of the “Big Brother”
Why do students who come from villages to study in University, relatively well speaking Ukrainian and using it during classes, later on shift to the Russian language in their private conversations?
The Professorial Department
Oleksandr Ponomariv
I am really frustrated with the Ukrainian language of the modern mass media
People usually think that if a word or a grammatical form is used in the media it must be correct, while the language we hear is very often a far cry from Ukrainian.
Maria Yatsymirska
Why it is Better to Say “Ukrainian Journalism” rather than “Domestic Journalism”
The Ukrainian Journalism of the XXI century is actively integrating into the global information environment. But it is rarely called Ukrainian, more often people use the word “domestic” in this context…
Image Studies
Otar Dovzhenko
On Political Media Preferences on the Language Level
Ukrainian journalists used to information guerilla warfare have gained the freedom of expression and relative impunity. However, they have turned out to be unprepared for the social responsibility manifested in self-control or even in self-restriction.
Ostap Drozdov
Yushchenko: the Many-faced Creation of the Media
The mass media operating with the word and using the President’s speech means veil Yushchenko’s real nature.
Psychological Issues
Lyudmyla Shpaner
The New Ukrainian Grammar: A Psychologist’s View
The present-day generation heard the Ukrainian language when they were in the mother’s womb. Modern research proves that the only language we can speak without an accent is the one we had heard even before we were born.
Pavlo Aleksandrov
The Language of Fear: Technologies of Political Wars of Peaceful Time
Literature, films and journalism have turned fear into one of their main tools.
Practical Issues
Maryna Oliynyk
Some Insights into the Problem of Titles’ Creation (on the language of business periodicals)
Ukrainian cultural context is gaining its proper position in the language of business periodicals step by step. But this process is extremely slow.
Maria Ripey
The “Garment” of our Ideas
The mass media language should be literary. Some, though, do not realize this, saying that the media “have a language of their own and it is not supposed to be literary”.
Olesya Vynnytska
Who Do Ukrainian Papers Write for?
Abundance of unknown, complicated words makes people feel uneasy and unwilling to read the paper.
Taboo Words
Oksana Kosyuk
Let’s Go to…
Foul language, despite its obnoxiousness, does reflect the reality, which is sometimes more horrifying than the most spiteful curse words.
Myroslava Ivanyk
Dialectal Words in the Language of Regional Media
Who sets example for whom in terms of language: people for media or media for people?
Iryna Kovalenko
Buzz Words
Slang: a language game or a language problem?
Language of Advertising
Yuliya Holodnikova, Simferopol
Who if not Gogol?
“Ukrainian joke” is a good marketing technology aimed at promoting goods and products
Thoughts in front of the TV-set
Victoria Babenko
TV-reporter in Dark Glasses
What does it mean according to the discipline that studies the eyes language?
Tetyana Lutsyk
Narcissism – TV-anchors’ disease?
I had an impression that the anchor had only one aim – to prove that he is the only smart person in the studio.
Book Market
Orysya Demska-Kulchutska
Ukrainian Language in the TV-environment
Maxim Hekhter
“The Ukrainian Reader about Ukrainian Periodicals”
In 1922, just like today, readers of the popular Ukrainian periodical “Zasiv” voiced their dissatisfaction with the abundance of foreign words, Russian and Polish borrowings, dialectal words and new grammar.
Mychajlo VEKLYK
Natalka HABOR
Olena DUB
Stepan KOSTJ
Liudmyla PAVLIUK

- The list of the publications:
- Media Literacy in Western Ukraine: Focus on Children and TV Violence. (№1 Media Education)
- Mass Media as a Self-Expanding Megamachine: Is It Possible To Stop It? (Media philosophy)