Irregulat Staff:
Vitaliy Konoplya
Research fellow of the Department of Archeology of I. Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences. Specialist in primitive archeology, author and co-author of over 200 scientific publications.
Nataliya Bilas
Ph. D. (History), assistant professor of the chair of archeology and branches of special historical studies. Specialist in the sphere of history of archeology, medieval archeology of Ukraine, author and co-author of 20 scientific publications.
Consultants of the Institute:
Volodimir Baran
Corresponding member of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, doctor of history, leading employee of the Institute of Archaeology of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences.
Deonisiy Kozak
Doctor of history, head of Slavic archaeology department of the Institute of Archaeology of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences.